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At Work For You

At Work for You

At Work For You

The following are the key components of the Chapter’s “Program of Work” for our members

Business Development: Member Directory published online at, AGC of America National Directory, contractor locator service via national website, networking at local, state, and national level.

Chapter Meetings: Membership seminars/meetings are held regionally across the state. National speakers and industry experts are utilized as much as possible. All events are scheduled between September and May each year.

Excellence in Construction: A selection of national and statewide award programs are in place. The Build Nebraska Award is an annual recognition of excellence in five categories of building projects. A statewide educational initiative recognizes members that invest in training and encouraging employees to excel. The AGC National Safety Award Program recognizes firm’s safety efforts. Elevate your firm’s image by the use of the AGC logo to nationally brand your company’s “quality people and quality projects”.

Governmental Issues: Support and represent the industry at economic development activities across the state, provide industry representation, and liaison with public agencies and other sectors of the industry.

Legal Assistance: AGC retains Woods & Aitken, LLC as legal counsel. They provide free consultations to member firms, along with education programming throughout the year.

Legislative Services: The Executive Director is the lobbyist for the association at the state level. Members receive Legislative Update, Legislative Alert and other lobbying services during the sessions. The Chapter conducts candidate surveys and conducts Regional Legislative Meetings. The NE Construction Industry PAC Committee determines state office and legislative candidate contributions.

Education/Training: The Chapter provides management training for all employees. National programs are hosted one or two times per year in the state. The Construction Supervision Fundamentals program is offered in-seat at the chapter office. The Supervisory Training Program is offered via a hybrid model. Members have access to the AGC of America’s online curriculum. This is a very cost effective way to provide training for your staff.

Workforce Development: The Chapter supports five AGC Student Chapters at the schools of construction in Nebraska with project funds, along with annual scholarships. The Chapter took on the leadership role for the development of the Nebraska Construction Industry Council. The Chapter sought out and received support for the council from a cross-section of other construction associations and is currently one of the founding associations supporting the strategic workforce development efforts of the Industry Council. In addition, the Chapter also provides many career awareness resources for K-12 school students.

Membership Communication: All Chapter members receive bi-weekly E-Updates and Legislative Alerts as needed.

Chapter Governance: The Chapter has a 12-member Board of Directors that meets six times per year. Members are encouraged to become involved and determine the direction of the Association through team participation. There are six standing teams that provide guidance to the Executive Director.

AGC of America Services: The state Chapter membership includes the national membership. The AGCA’s website provides a vast array of resources and up-to-date information. AGCA Chief Economist provides monthly updates and outlooks at the national and regional levels. AGCA Governmental Affairs is the most influential lobby for the commercial construction industry. The PAC fund is second only to the National Home Builders Association in donations within the industry.

There are many program and product discounts available to member firms. The AGC of America provides a full line of ConsensusDOCS contracts and documents, products, services and resources.