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Quick Facts

Quick Facts

Quick Facts

Our Mission — The AGC Nebraska Building Chapter is an association of building construction professionals dedicated to represent the best interest of the member firms in the construction industry and the greater business environment. The AGC promotes a better industry through skill, integrity and responsibility for those that build in Nebraska and beyond.

Our Membership — General contractors are the main focus and have full voting rights. Specialty contractors and service providers are associate members.

Our Vision — A professional organization that preserves the core values of skill, integrity and responsibility in the profession and industry; while stimulating, encouraging and supporting progress and innovation in the industry.

Goals of the Association

  1. Advocacy. Unify the industry into a cohesive group that speaks with a single voice on issues affecting commercial building construction. The Association will create legislative and other coalitions to present our voice and views to the state government and other groups that affect the well-being of the industry.
  2. Provide relevant benefits, services and educational opportunities that enable member firms to grow and have long term success. Provide and collaborate on education, monitor industry trends, safety programs and resources that directly help the business operations of our members.
  3. Workforce Development. Build a stable professional and skilled workforce for the benefit of member firms and the industry.
  4. Marketing and Visibility — position the chapter membership as an entity of industry excellence. Brand the image of what membership in the AGC represents; skill, integrity and responsibility within the profession and industry.