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Nine Five Great Reasons to Join

9.5 Great Reasons to Join the Nebraska Building Chapter

1. Legislative Advocacy — Representing your interest with state government, regulatory agencies, local governments as needed and nationally through AGCA. Also, keeping elected officials informed on issues affecting you.

2. Business Advocacy — Here to help you with your specific, unique, issues in state and out-of-state through our network of AGC Chapters across the country.

3. Strengthening Bond Between GC/SC — Improving communications and nurturing relationships to develop best practices in common areas of concern is a high priority.

4. Consensus Minded — Working together, supporting shared business principles/practices will lead to a strong construction economy and industry in the state and region.

5. Business Tools9 Tools to use in your business.

6. Management/Professional Development9 Opportunities per year to “polish” your skills.

7. Future Workforce Development — Your involvement in the chapter supports our AGC Student Chapters across the state and our Construction Career Awareness efforts.

8. Marketing Plan to Brand and Image the AGC Members — Your firm’s name will be included as a firm that exhibits skill, integrity, and responsibility to the client and greater community. Use of AGC Logo.

9. Membership Involvement — At least 6 ways to engage per year to come together, build relationships, and learn.

9.5. Superb Value for Membership Dues — All of this and more, for less than a few dollars a day per employee. You and your employees are worth every cent!